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  1. 2

    “Quite a unique feature, not many desktops with that option.”
    Sorry to be pedantic, but this really irks me. If there are _any_ other desktops with that option then it’s not unique. Unique is one of a kind.

  2. 4

    Couple of things I don’t like about Zorin desktop:
    – I can’t drag and drop the software from the dash/menu to the desktop or taskbar.
    – I can’t right click on any of the stuff in the Zorin menu at all.
    – Pressing the Windows/Super key brings out the activities manager, not the menu itself.

    I want to install this OS for my dad, but I actually think he’ll be more comfortable with Unity desktop, which does all those things I mentioned.

  3. 6

    I love Zorin, although I do not use it as my main distribution it’s just the idea about it. Everyone complains that it isn’t lightweight which they don’t claim to be. They are more in the area of giving windows users an option for when and if they so desire to switch to Linux. Why people complain about a distribution that is easy for windows users to understand is beyond me. It’s the beginning of someone to potentially use Linux and throw out windows with the exception of gaming which I hope to see more support from game developers in the near future start doing.

  4. 7

    Booted this from USB yesterday to do some repartitioning. It’s quite attractive, though I’m not a fan of the GTK theme. Many distros/DEs in their in the default configuration seem cluttered, cramped or jumbled by comparison. Unfortunately I couldn’t find an obvious way to add extensions as in Gnome proper. You could of course load standalone systray applications but that’d likely ruin the, uh, feng shui of it all. :þ So could I make a suggestion for your videos? I’d appreciate a closer look at not-so-obvious things like package installation (more important than what comes preinstalled, isn’t it?), compatilibity with the upstream distro (if any), compatibility with closed-source/third-party applications and games, and availability/possibility of extensions/widgets/applets. Not that it isn’t up to you, and I’ll be watching your reviews either way! 🙂

  5. 9

    I absolutely love this distro, it has replaced my Manjaro KDE desktop. Only negative is that it uses nautilus. Trying to get Dolphin functioning in Zorin bht without much success. Oh well. Zorin has to be the most polished distro I’ve come across. Something I can finally settle on. Good work Quids. I think the purchase for ultimate is worth it to support the devs and the unity theme.

  6. 10

    When you get to Cinnamon, you may want to give the customisation of it in feren OS a try, you might like it like quite a few others do…

    Also, feren OS is another distribution that has such a desktop styles feature in it, in feren OS though, it’s an application called ‘Themer’.
    PS: Finally, someone else who likes the neon-green colour option in Zorin OS…
    Also, in Cinnamon, you’ll notice Multimedia Integration actually is in the Sound Applet instead when multimedia’s open

  7. 15

    There are two things that I don’t like about GNOME 3 and derivatives.

    1) Integrated with SystemD to the point where it can’t function without it.
    2) At least I haven’t been able to find a way to turn off Gnome’s compositor so I can use Compton – in order to remove the screen tearing.

    I think one day GNOME will become it’s own Operating System.

  8. 17

    there is a version of zorin that uses 100 mb to run, just putting it out there.

    and this distro is meant for people coming from windows, ram usage of 2 gigs to just run the damn thing

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