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  1. 1

    Wow. Linux has come a long way. I used it about 20 years ago to run some apps that were only available on linux. Splat, a vhf propagation predictor, and Ethereal, now Wireshark. This was on a SUSE distro. It was very difficult to work with for a Windows user. I loaded Zorin 17 last week and was up and running instantly. Well, almost instantly. I am truly impressed. Thanks for your help and encouragement. I now have a tired old Lenovo running like new.

  2. 3

    Sadly ZorinOS uses snap. I think we should be steering new users away from snap usage as they may be unaware of the issues with snap.

    For those who are unaware, snap is a proprietary package format created by Canonical and used by Ubuntu and ZorinOS, the back-end is fully closed source and controlled by a greedy corporation known as Canonical (the creators of Ubuntu), Canonical is pushing snap onto end users to create a closed app ecosystem which is fully controlled by Canonical in an attempt to create a closed-off ecosystem (similar to the apple ecosystem) which is locked off from end users.

    We should be supporting flatpak instead, which is an open package format which has a strong community and lots of official package support from the first-party devs of the application, and it’s an open app ecosystem more similar to f-droid on android in the sense of being able to add extra repos and the openness of the main repo.

    I recommend new users use Linux Mint instead of ZorinOS for this reason, Linux Mint ships no snap out of the box and flatpak by default.

  3. 6

    Thanks for walk through. I have used Zorin OS several times but only as alternatively. And I have it installed it as bootable USB on a standby if anything happens to W10 or if I want to use Linux to fresh myself up after windows bloatware experience. My only reason of not using Zorin OS or any other distro I have used like elementary OS and Mint OS fully is lack of TTS support which W10 has inbuilt with voices, difficulty in installing apps and uninstalling the ones that are installed and storage structure and hierarchy and support for my office related apps and apps that I am using for years (not games). And most importantly, lack of android emulator support within Linux like windows has with bluestacks.

  4. 7

    Cool, but I prefer KDE Plasma!
    If they used KDE Plasma as a back-end or have a version with KDE Plasma as a back-end, I would be interested.
    But since they don’t I’m not interested!
    KDE Plasma is technically more advanced than gnome and has way more features.

  5. 15

    Hi Explaining Computers, I have never used Linux and plan to use Zorin but is it possible to format the drives on Linux because most Channels will just install and play around the OS but have not seen drive formatting for such big gaming app Libraries like Steam and what not. Maybe an Idea of a new up coming Vid otherwise there is such Vid on drive formatting using Linux reply with a link. Thank you for this content its pretty educational how to use such OS.

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